Sticky Notes

Privileged Moments

  • Privileged moments - going above and beyond for someone then asking for something afterwards
  • The front loading of attention

  1. Privileged moments - identifiable points when an individual is particularly receptive to the communicators message
    1. Target chuting - presenting only one of the options as people look for confirming evidence only not lack of evidence or false positives
    2. Asking a question before the real request to get people to be consistent with their previous answer
  2. Importance of attention -there is elevated importance on whatever your attention is focused on
    1. Placed fluffy clouds on background of website made people say comfort was the most important factor in their sofa purchase
  3. Focal is causal - channeled attention leads to perception of causality
    1. Helping norm
    2. The more someone appears to need our help the more obligated we feel to provide it - make it clear we’re a startup?
  4. Commanders of attention
    1. The attractors - naturally occurring commanders of attention (sexual, threatening, different)
      1. Opener needed before sexual worked
      2. After being scared people want to feel part of the group
      3. After being aroused people want to stand out
      4. Highlight difference by comparing to group of competitors who are the same on some element you’re different on
    2. The magnetisers - holding attention (self relevant, the unfinished, the mysterious)
      1. How to structure a mystery story
        1. Pose the mystery
        2. Deepen the mystery
        3. Home in on proper explanation by considering and offering evidence against alternative explanations
        4. Provide a clue
        5. Resolve the mystery

The role of association

  1. I link therefore I think- how language and imagery can be used to produce desirable outcomes
    1. Joseph Conrad
      1. He who wants to persuade should put his trust not in the right argument but in the right words
      2. Aristotle poetics
      3. Metaphors
      4. Connect it to the self of the person you’re persuading
        1. Self
        2. Group identity - I is we, we are one
        3. Easy - like those things more
          1. Make it rhyme
    2. Persuasive geographies
    3. Mechanics of persuasion: caused, constraints and correctives
      1. How soon
      2. How far is the link
      3. Manufacturing the link
      4. If/when then plans

The optimisation of presuasion

  1. Six main roads to change
    1. Reciprocation
      1. Meaningful and unexpected
      2. Customised to needs, preferences, current circumstances
    2. Liking
      1. Highlight similarities
      2. Provide compliments
      3. Cause people to think you like them
    3. Social proof
      1. Validity
        1. “Most popular”
      2. Feasibility
        1. Tells people that it’s actually possible to take that action
    4. Authority
      1. An authority figure who is credible - elements are:
        1. Expertise
        2. Trustworthiness
          1. Reference a weakness early on and you become more trustworthy and honest
          2. Using transitional word such as however, but, yet
          3. As long as strength challenges the relevance of the weakness
    5. Scarcity
      1. Aversion to losing something valuable
    6. Consistency
    7. Stages
      1. Early -cultivating a positive association (reciprocate and liking)
      2. Second - reducing uncertainty (social proof, authority)
      3. Third - motivating action (consistency and scarcity)
  2. Unity
    1. Being together
      1. Kinship
        1. Merit can be the message
        2. Medium can be the message
        3. Multitude can be the message (social proof)
        4. Messenger can be the message (authority)
        5. Merge of self and other can be the message (unity)
      2. Place
        1. Home
        2. Locality
    2. Acting together
      1. Liking
        1. Finger tapping, smiling in conversation, body adjustments
      2. Music
        1. Systems engineering
          1. Logical and emotional
      3. Continuing reciprocal exchange
      4. Co creation
        1. Causes you to merge identities and have higher affinity with whoever you created it with
        2. Consumer input must be framed as advice
        3. Ask for advice in all aspects of life
      5. Getting together

Ethical use

Post suasion after effects

  1. Creating lasting change by installing strong commitments
    1. Active, effort full and voluntary
  2. By cueing up the cues
  3. Who we are is where we are


1. Link to book

2. Above is my takeaways and summary of Robert Cialdini's book Pre-suasion a book on how to persuade and influence people.​